Nisa Benna Becer

Nisa Benna Becer is a singer-songwriter from Izmir, Turkey.
She had always been interested in music since she started singing at the age of seven. At the age of eleven, she got her first guitar, and started writing songs. A year later, she was accepted to Dokuz Eylül University State Conservatory’s part-time education for secondary school students, where she took lessons on solfege and classical guitar for a year. She studied at Izmir Private Fatih Science High School where she met her music teacher Mustafa Kamçıcı. She was the singer of the school band under his leadership. They have performed at almost every event in their school. During her senior year of high school, she discovered her interest in art, and she went to the Izmir Institute of Technology to study architecture. She had the honor to graduate in 4th place. Soon after, she felt the need of having a deeper knowledge of music. Right after her graduation, she started taking private lessons from Rasih Öztürk who is a Turkish composer, conductor, producer and guitarist. She started performing regularly around downtown Izmir in 2018 until the pandemic.
As an aspiring singer, composer/songwriter, producer, and pianist, she has been studying solfege, ear training, music theory, harmony, orchestration/arranging, piano, and music technology for the last three years. As a result of these studies, she released her debut single “Rain on My Soul” on the 25th of April, 2021. Between 2020 -2022 she was accepted and awarded various scholarships by institutions like Los Angeles College of Music, Longy School of Music, Emerson College and Berklee College of Music. Currently, she is a musician and an architect who runs her own business as a self-employed architect and studies, writes and records music every day.